In 2000 Paul was elected as a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (FCInstCES) - where Paul has previously been a Member of Council. In 2004, Paul was elected as a Fellow of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS). In 2008, Paul was also elected as a Chartered Director (C.Dir) by the Institute of Directors.
An economist by background, Paul commenced his career in professional practice and has worked with Major Professional Services and Programme Management Consultancies, Tier 1 Contractors, and Major Client bodies. Paul has held senior executive leadership positions and commercial leadership positions, including as Group Commercial Director for a UK FTSE 250 Construction and Services Plc.
Paul has extensive and practical hands on business experience of Major Contracts, and Major Programme Management schemes - primarily in the Infrastructure, Building, and Industrial sectors - encompassing Major Civil Engineering, Highways, Rail, Tunnelling, Power Generation and Transmission, Defence, Nuclear, Petrochemical and Marine.
Paul has also acted as Technical Adviser to HM Treasury for the UK Infrastructure Cost Review, and has undertaken leading roles in Business Start Ups and Turnarounds, and in Due Diligence for Major Acquisitions. Paul’s International experience extends to the USA, Asia Pacific, Australasia, the Middle East and Europe.
Paul acts as a trained Mentor and Coach, and has significant experience of recruitment, team building, team development, training, and succession planning.